Zoo Schmiding - Schmiding Birdpark

Schmiding Zoo evolved from Schmiding Birdpark, the largest bird park in Austria. Schmiding Birdpark was opened in 1982 and, as the name suggests, it specialised in exotic birds. Over the last few years the concept of a modern zoo was put into practice at Schmiding in form of various naturalistic zoo habitats, and Schmiding Zoo was born! Different habitat types were created, with mammals, reptiles and birds living together. On 12ha outside and 1600m² indoor area hundreds of exotic species can be seen in natural settings. Along the 4km zoo walk visitors gain fascinating insights into the lives of animals from different geographic regions. More information about some of these habitats is given here:

Tropical Rainforest:

In the large tropical house the visitor enters the fascinating world of the rainforest. First, we walk through thick jungle with huge trees, where different bird species roam freely. Most conspicuous are the colourful lorikeets. Squirrel monkeys balance on branches above the heads of the visitors. These agile monkeys never seem to stop playing! The path carries on past crocodiles and turtles in their lagoon; weaver birds and doves can be spotted there too. The winding path climbs up to various levels in the tropical house enabling the visitor to observe life on all levels of a rain forest. If you look carefully, you might find something very special (and very lazy!) in the treetops: Austria's only sloths. Several types of snakes, tortoises and lizards can also be found in the rainforest. Tread carefully - some are free ranging!

African Savannah:

Amongst our biggest attractions, literally, are the giraffes! They can be observed along with Nyala antelopes, Ground hornbills and Crowned cranes in the African Savannah exhibit. On the 5m high platform visitors stand eye to eye with the elegant giraffes, the animals can even be fed with special giraffe pellets. A second African exhibit, the African Plains, with termite mounds and granite rocks, contains Grant zebras, Gemsbok, Ostriches and Goliath herons.

The world's largest birds of prey walk-through aviary

Another highlight of Schmiding Zoo is the world's largest walk-through aviary housing birds of prey. A small valley was roofed with netting to create a natural habitat of huge dimensions. Along a 70m long cave walk visitors can see Griffon, White-headed, Black and Lappet-faced vultures as well as Steppe eagles, Red and Black kites, Andean condors and other birds of prey. The cave passageway was hewn in the side of the valley and there is no barrier between the visitors and the birds.


A winding path leads through this subtropical habitat, past colourful South American ducks and geese. Flocks of different ibises can be seen, some of which build their nests high in the trees. Water cascades from pond to pond where White spoonbills, different egrets and strange-looking, fascinating Southern screamers reside.

Zoo Schmiding
A-4631 Krenglbach

Fotos de Zoo Schmiding - Schmiding Birdpark

Zoo Schmiding A-4631 Krenglbach Austria

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