Risor Akvarium

Risør is located on the southern coast of Norway, half way between Oslo and Kristiansand. This region ranks among the most popular destinations for holiday makers in the summer. You may enjoy lazy days beach combing or go for various organized activities as horseback riding, beaver safaris, fishing (fresh and sea water), festivals, art exhibitions/cultural heritage tours and enjoy scenic trips and picturesque towns.

The Risør Akvarium opened the summer of 1996 and presents an exciting and educational experience for adults as well as kids. Small folks in particular will enjoy our low tanks where one may view the fish from above. You may even pet a cod or hand feed a flounder! We display a large number of common fish species and other marine creatures. We've got 25 tanks altogether. Five are large ones, of which four are open tanks and one is closed. The closed tank holds sea wolves (catfish) and Conger eels, which are strictly "don't touch" species! Six medium sized tanks hold smaller fish. One of these may be viewed through a window from outside the main entrance. We have set up a display consisting of 14 smaller aquariums to present an up-close view of specific specimens.

We've got about 500 fish and other specimens of marine creatures comprised of about 100 species. Local fishermen, professional as well as recreational, divers and marine scientists all ensure a steady supply of new species. The various tanks are set up to display specific zones or biotopes. You may check out the tidal zone, take a look under the dock or view our deep sea sections. To complement our fish tanks we exhibit some traditional fishing gear as well as a collection of stuffed sea birds of the most common species -- auks, eider ducks, cormorants etc.

Risor Akvarium
PB: 313
N-4951 Risor

Fotos de Risor Akvarium

Risor Akvarium PB: 313 N-4951 Risor Noruega

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