Aalborg Zoo

At the Aalborg Zoo you can get close to animals from all over the world. Come see the meercats' rocks, the crocodiles' river-bank, the anteaters' pampas or a forest full of bears.

Experience an African savannah, the humid rainforest of the Marmoset house, and much, much more. More than 1.300 animals are here for you to enjoy. You can read more about some of the animals here. And with our large new playground »OASIS« (»Oasen«) your children can romp around just their new monkey friends.

Conservation Aalborg Zoo is involved in several projects concerning the conservation og our nature. One of them is the "Payamino Project" which helps Payamino indians to preserve 148,26 acres of threatened rainforest in Ecuador. Aalborg Zoo also support the research of threatened species in Greenland.

Aalborg Zoo
Mølleparkvej 63 - DK-9000
Aalborg - Denmark

Fotos de Aalborg Zoo

Aalborg Zoo Mølleparkvej 63 - DK-9000 Aalborg - Denmark

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